i need some help real fast.

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Joined:25 May 2008, 23:49
i need some help real fast.

Post by riseofthefallen » 26 May 2008, 01:29

ok well i downloaded the client.
then i patched to newest version.
then i downloaded this one patch called PatchFor1.3.1.part1 all the way to PatchFor1.3.1.part5
now im downloading lms-pw patche 1.28.1.exe.
am i doing thi right?
where do i install these files too?
can someon egive me a brief guide?
because the guides on the forum suck>.> :cry:
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Joined:24 May 2008, 03:33

Re: i need some help real fast.

Post by knight0 » 26 May 2008, 02:09

1) Install the game client to any directory you would like.
2) Open the game's launcher and let it update to the latest version (will take a few mins).
3) Install lms-pw patche 1.28.1 to your perfect world directory, and agree to any overwrites.
4) Install PatchFor1.3.1 to your perfect world directory, again agree with any overwrites.
5) Install ItemMallUpdate3 ( DoWnLoAd HerE ) to your perfect world directory, agree with overwrites.
6) Start the game and login!

Hopefully you have already registered for a game account (it's different than the forum account) and if not you can do so here:
Registration Page

Hope this helps!

BTW, anyone know why the patches have a bunch of ???'s instead of text? It's kind of annoying.
edit by:iztariray
58 Elf Priest
Guild: Light

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