Weekly droping time!

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Weekly droping time!

Post by Astrid88 » 27 Sep 2010, 21:14

All you should know:

Droping time,
in other words - one person junk can be another person treasure.

When time come everyone in west ADC drop something from their inventory. It can be everything - mat, fash, dq, pot, dye, equip etc. Anything they don't need and would otherwise sell to npc or waste time waiting for someone to buy it in cat shop/auction. Then, when there is a lot of things on ground people pick the items up. If they pick up something they don't like/want they drop it again so someone else can pick it. Event last 10 minutes or untill all items are gone.

Every wednesday 19.00 server time.
Server 200x.

My in-game nickname: Feriera

The history of event for people interested:

27 sep 2010 17.25.
In other words - one person junk can be another person treasure.

When time come everyone in west ADC drop something from their inventory. It can be everything - mat, fash, dq, pot, dye, equip etc. Anything they don't need and would otherwise sell to npc or waste time waiting for someone to buy it in cat shop/auction. Then, when there is a lot of things on ground people pick the items up. If they pick up something they don't like/want they drop it again so someone else can pick it. Event last 20 minutes or untill all items are gone.

The first event launch was a hour ago. Not many people participating but still some. There is screenshot:


Next one will be tomorrow (28 sep 2010) at 17.00 server time. I hope to see you there.
Server 200x.

My ingame nickname: Elearia though I run the event on one of my alts - Feriera .

Edited 28 sep 2010 17.25.

It looks like players like the event. Before I lauched it someone started to drop gold coins already.
Though I prepared myself and brought for the event full inventory of items after 5 minutes my inventory was empty and I had to get from bank some more items. Not only me was droping. A generous player droped whole bounch of mirage stones, someone else was droping gold (I heard there was a 1m piece between them) and many people droped equips. We could also see a mold and some fashions on ground. The event ended 10 minutes earlier than I thought (lasted 10 minutes, not 20) since there was no more items from ground and my inwentory was pretty empty again (but I think next time I will just wait for someone to drop something again even if my own inventory will be empty and let the event last 20 minutes).

You can see some screenshots here:

Thanks to everyone participating! And big hugs for everyone who helped me droping!

I am planing to launch the event again in future. Maybe in a week or so. I have to gather some items first :roll: .
I will announce next date here a day or 2 before the event. And I will also yell about the event on world chat 10 minutes before it start so everyone can get to ADC on time.

Edited 5 oct 2010 15.13.
I decided to run the event without giving any date on forum. Be prepared for the world chat announce 10 minutes before event any day any hour (though it is most possible to happen 15.00-20.00 server time).

Edited 6 oct 2010 18.48.
It looks like the 10 minutes before event announce on world chat is not enough. I launched the event a few minutes ago. Some people come but most of them didn't know the rules and were only picking up items without droping anything. It was not funny. Of course you don't have to drop anything but you should if you have something you don't need in your inventory (and also you should drop the thing you picked if you pick something you don't need - I don't belive a lvl 100+ WF needs a MP adding grade 5 soulstone). If you need everything in your inventory you can drop just 1 gold coin so the ground will not get empty too fast. If people see a lot of drops on ground they drop even more. When they see fast diseapering items they don't drop thinking: "Almost noone drops so why should I? I will just pick up the item on ground before someone else do."

Thanks for 1 or 2 people who droped some items as I did.

Next event will be launched 13 oct 2010 19.00 server time. Supposing my computer is not going to blow up in the meantime or something like that :lol: . (Thats why I prefer not to give any date, my computer can be instable sometimes ;) )
I hope there will be more people droping. I will get full inventory of items as usual :geek: and some more items in bank which I am going to drop if the event gets funny.

Edited 13 oct 2010 19.45
As I though - this week was way funner than last one. Many dropers and many pickers. Items was not diseapering so fast. We could see some fashion and molds. Thanks everyone!

Here you can see some screenshots:

Another event will be launched next wednesday (20 oct 2010) 19.00 server time.

Edited 20 oct 2010 19.33
Thanks all for participating in todays event. At first I though this one will be a boring one since I could see only a few people in ADC west right before event. But when the event started... it was a real suprise! Many people, many dropers, a lot of items on ground. A great person droped a lot of gold/yellow items...
Yes, I liked it today.

Here you can find some screenshots:

Next event will be launched in a week the same time (27 oct 2010, 19.00).
It is going to become a weekly event I quess - every week the same time.

Edited 27 oct 2010 19.55

This week the event was not so funny as last week but at least some newbies were happy because they got some gold pieces after asking for them. Except gold participators could see on ground and pick some equips, soulstones and potions.

I divided the thead for 2 parts - "All you should know" and "The history of event for people interested" so everyone can see the rules clearly.

Edited 3 nov 2010 19.25
Due to new patch I though there will be a lot of fashion on ground since people are changing how they look. Well, I was wrong - there was not so many fashion but still some (like 10 including my 6). Anyway I am happy, there was a lot of people and I feel like I helped someone.


Edited 10 nov 2010 19.25
Just a regular event. Some equips, nothing important.
I am adding just one screenshot since I got no time for more right now.

Edited 17 nov 2010 19.25
Fashion, equips, gold, soulstones and pet food on ground. Good event.

Edited 24 nov 2010 19.15
This week the event was a fail. Not many people participating though there were some dropers (except my drops I could see some swimming fashion and hell/heaven/human stones on ground). Anyway - I was not having fun this time.

Edited 1 dec 2010 19.21
This week the event was decent if talking about drops (mostly eq on ground) but I could see a lot of people read the rules. Many of them picked something and droped it again a few seconds later just like the rule "If they pick up something they don't like/want they drop it again so someone else can pick it" say. People were also talkative. I got whole bunch of whispers. I enjoyed it.
Last edited by Astrid88 on 01 Dec 2010, 20:22, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Droping time! (edited 28 sep 2010)

Post by Marengo » 29 Sep 2010, 15:05

Auction hall rocks.
x1000 ~ WF ~ Marengo
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Re: Droping time! (edited 28 sep 2010)

Post by Astrid88 » 29 Sep 2010, 19:50

Auction hall can be expensive. It rocks for items people want to buy but not for junks and items of low value. If you are not carefull you will waste more money by puting a item on AH again and again than the item is worth. And afterall you will have to sell the item to npc anyway since noone buy it.
Why waste 500 coins or more on AH to get 20k or get nothing and waste time and money puting the item at AH again and again in a few hours if you can kill just 1 mob and get the 20k?

The only choice to get rid of low value and junk items is to sell them to npc or put in cat shop. But you will still get just a few thousands which is nothing. Thats why people drop some items so someone else can pick them up. They waste almost nothing (they will get the npc money after killing a few mobs) and know they can help other people. And there is always someone who thinks "It is free so I will pick it and use it. But I don't need it so much to pay for it, If I have to pay I will buy a cheaper substitute or add a few coins and buy something with better stats".
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Re: Droping time! (edited 28 sep 2010)

Post by Marengo » 30 Sep 2010, 22:12

Why waste 500 coins or more on AH to get 20k or get nothing and waste time and money puting the item at AH again and again in a few hours if you can kill just 1 mob and get the 20k? The only choice to get rid of low value and junk items is to sell them to npc or put in cat shop. But you will still get just a few thousands which is nothing.
do you really look for profit when you give smth for free or almost free? you said that you get nothing for droping and its ok, so i consider its not deadly to loose some thosands in AH.
as fr lower value items... ppl play this game for hours. whats the problem to stay in cat 10 minutes and sell them for minimal price? (i did so) but this way seems to me more...... respectful than droping items on the ground. maybe it sounds silly to you, and im too choosy here :mrgreen: and its your right to have another attitude or disagree)) and if this event is popular... its up to you of course.
x1000 ~ WF ~ Marengo
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Re: Droping time! (edited 28 sep 2010)

Post by ikdus » 03 Oct 2010, 13:55

Lol,u diddent make the names black at the last SS :D

characters :
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Re: Droping time! (edited 28 sep 2010)

Post by Astrid88 » 03 Oct 2010, 17:52

ikdus wrote:Lol,u diddent make the names black at the last SS :D
Really? :? Ok, I will change it.
Joined:03 Sep 2010, 17:35

Re: Weekly droping time!

Post by Astrid88 » 08 Dec 2010, 20:30

Continuation of the history of event for people interested:

8 dec 2010 19.21
Wave of equips, wave of fashions, wave of soulstones, another wave of equips, wave of LM$ coins and after all a rain of gold pieces. Funny event. I am happy.

I couldn't edit the my first post because of some errors so I will put the rest of history here. :roll: And type one more post in a few weeks if the error show again.

Edited 15 dec 2010 19.10

Edited 22 dec 2010 19.30
Nice event. A lot of dropers at first and a lot of pickers after all (lol, I love when people follow me picking up the -3% casting bullets and gold sculptures I am droping after I get ride of everything else :lol: ).
3 waves this time. Fashion, skill books and gold pieces. And of course - equips all the time.

Joined:03 Sep 2010, 17:35

Re: Weekly droping time!

Post by Astrid88 » 05 Jan 2011, 17:07

Recentry I have no time to play (and when I do I prefer to lvl up my main) so I decided to "hang" the event. I mean - I will not hold it in the near future. Maybe some day...

But there is nothing against for you hold the event instead of me ;).
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