G15-G18 Armor Quest Guide (English/Espanol) (1000x)

Moderators:Yviene, Laysie

GM Neyssa
Joined:15 Aug 2014, 18:52
G15-G18 Armor Quest Guide (English/Espanol) (1000x)

Post by GM Neyssa » 08 Nov 2014, 10:51

Hi guys on LMSPW we're always wanna help you, so we have implemented the "Armor Quests" pressing O you can check the Armor Quests available (G15 / G16 / G17 / G18)

NOTE: Quest Tickets can only be done ONCE PER CHARACTER and CANNOT be traded

Pressing O you can check the Quests and their price:

[attachment=24]Boutique List.jpg[/attachment]

G15: 10 Cubi/Gold
G16: 50 Cubi/Gold
G17: 100 Cubi/Gold
G18: 300 Cubi/Gold

G15 Armor Quest:

[attachment=21]G15 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Price: 10 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 105 - 120.
-6 Pieces G15 armor.

[attachment=19]G15 quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs to kill:

• Dismal Shade (Newbie Dungeon, 405 552):
[attachment=22]G15 Dismal Shade.jpg[/attachment]

• Shade Eido (Newbie Dungeon, 433 521):
[attachment=18]G15 Shade Eido.jpg[/attachment]


After you kill the mobs mentioned on the G15 Quest Armor you can go to the Elder of Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) and get your rewards.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 1.000.000
-Exp: 200.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 500.
-6 Pieces G15 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G15 Quest finish.jpg
G16 Armor Quest:

[attachment=17]G16 Item.jpg[/attachment]

-Price: 50 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 110-125
-6 Pieces G16 armor.

[attachment=14]G16 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs to kill:

•Poison Tail Occultist (Scorpion Cave, 403 535):
[attachment=16]G16 Poison Tail Occultist.jpg[/attachment]

•Thromh the Mighty(Cave of fire, 406 564):
[attachment=12]G16 Thromh the Mighty.jpg[/attachment]

•Rend Razorjaw(Cave of Wolfs, 423 569) :
[attachment=13]G16 Rend Razorjaw.jpg[/attachment]


After you kill the mobs mentioned on the G16 Quest Armor you can go to the Elder of Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) and get your rewards.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 2.000.000
-Exp: 500.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 1.000
-6 Pieces G16 LA, HA or AA, includes a weapon. G16 Bow, River Flow or Bloody Sunset.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G16 Quest finish.jpg
G17 Armor Quest:

[attachment=8]G17 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Price: 100 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 120-135
-6 Pieces G17 armor.

[attachment=6]G17 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs to Kill:

•Calcid of the Flame (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 412 542):
[attachment=11]G17 Calcid of the Flame.jpg[/attachment]

•Farren Sereneti (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 391 534):
[attachment=10]G17 Farren Sereneti.jpg[/attachment]

•Hercule Trioc (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 422 506):
[attachment=9]G17 Hercule Trioc.jpg[/attachment]


After you kill the mobs mentioned on the G17 Quest Armor you can go to the Elder of Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) and get your rewards.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 3.000.000
-Exp: 1.000.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 1.500
-6 Pieces G17 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G17 Quest finish.jpg
G18 Armor Quest:

[attachment=3]G18 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Price: 300 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 135-140
-6 Pieces G18 armor.

[attachment=0]G18 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs to kill:

•Deiciter White (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 409 547):
[attachment=4]G18 Deiciter White.jpg[/attachment]

•ArcherAce (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 411 547):
[attachment=5]G18 ArcherAce.jpg[/attachment]

•LMS General (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 423 534):
[attachment=2]G18 LMS General.jpg[/attachment]


After you kill the mobs mentioned on the G18 Quest Armor you can go to the Elder of Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) and get your rewards.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 3.000.000
-Exp: 1.000.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 2.000
-6 Pieces G18 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G18 Quest finish.jpg
We'll keep adding usefull information to help y'all with your exp/gold farm, good luck!

Spanish Version

Hola chicos, en LMSPW siempre estamos buscando ayudarles, por eso hemos implementado las “Armor Quest” presionando O podrás revisar cuales misiones tenemos disponibles para ti (G15 / G16 / G17 / G18)

Nota: Las misiones solo pueden ser realizadas UNA VEZ POR PERSONAJE y NO PUEDEN ser tradeadas.

Presionando O podrás ver las misiones y sus precios:

[attachment=24]Boutique List.jpg[/attachment]

G15: 10 Cubi/Gold
G16: 50 Cubi/Gold
G17: 100 Cubi/Gold
G18: 300 Cubi/Gold

G15 Armor Quest:

[attachment=21]G15 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Precio: 10 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requerido: 105 - 120.
-6 Pieces G15 armor.

[attachment=19]G15 quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs a matar:

• Dismal Shade (Newbie Dungeon, 405 552):
[attachment=22]G15 Dismal Shade.jpg[/attachment]

• Shade Eido (Newbie Dungeon, 433 521):
[attachment=18]G15 Shade Eido.jpg[/attachment]


Después que mates los mobs mencionados en la misión “G15 Quest Armor” podrás ir al Elder de Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) y conseguir tus recompensas.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 1.000.000
-Exp: 200.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 500.
-6 Pieces G15 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G15 Quest finish.jpg
G16 Armor Quest:

[attachment=17]G16 Item.jpg[/attachment]

-Precio: 50 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 110-125
-6 Pieces G16 armor.

[attachment=14]G16 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs a matar:

•Poison Tail Occultist (Scorpion Cave, 403 535):
[attachment=16]G16 Poison Tail Occultist.jpg[/attachment]

•Thromh the Mighty(Cave of fire, 406 564):
[attachment=12]G16 Thromh the Mighty.jpg[/attachment]

•Rend Razorjaw(Cave of Wolfs, 423 569) :
[attachment=13]G16 Rend Razorjaw.jpg[/attachment]


Después que mates los mobs mencionados en la misión “G16 Quest Armor” podrás ir al Elder de Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) y conseguir tus recompensas.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 2.000.000
-Exp: 500.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 1.000
-6 Pieces G16 LA, HA or AA, incluye un arma. G16 Bow, River Flow or Bloody Sunset.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G16 Quest finish.jpg
G17 Armor Quest:

[attachment=8]G17 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Precio: 100 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 120-135
-6 Pieces G17 armor.

[attachment=6]G17 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs a matar:

•Calcid of the Flame (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 412 542):
[attachment=11]G17 Calcid of the Flame.jpg[/attachment]

•Farren Sereneti (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 391 534):
[attachment=10]G17 Farren Sereneti.jpg[/attachment]

•Hercule Trioc (FB 129, Haunted Grotto, 422 506):
[attachment=9]G17 Hercule Trioc.jpg[/attachment]


Después que mates los mobs mencionados en la misión “G17 Quest Armor” podrás ir al Elder de Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) y conseguir tus recompensas.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 3.000.000
-Exp: 1.000.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 1.500
-6 Pieces G17 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G17 Quest finish.jpg
G18 Armor Quest:

[attachment=3]G18 item.jpg[/attachment]

-Precio: 300 Cubi/Gold
-Lvl requirement: 135-140
-6 Pieces G18 armor.

[attachment=0]G18 Quest.jpg[/attachment]

Mobs a matar:

•Deiciter White (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 409 547):
[attachment=4]G18 Deiciter White.jpg[/attachment]

•ArcherAce (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 411 547):
[attachment=5]G18 ArcherAce.jpg[/attachment]

•LMS General (FB 139, Frozen Realm, 423 534):
[attachment=2]G18 LMS General.jpg[/attachment]


Después que mates los mobs mencionados en la misión “G18 Quest Armor” podrás ir al Elder de Archosaur (ADC West, 528 651) y conseguir tus recompensas.

[attachment=23]Elder Archosaur.jpg[/attachment]

-Coins: 3.000.000
-Exp: 1.000.000
-Spirit: 100.000
-Reputation: 2.000
-6 Pieces G18 LA, HA or AA.

Red: HA
Orange: LA
Yellow: AA
G18 Quest finish.jpg
Nos mantendremos agregando información para ayudarles con su experiencia y gold, Buena suerte!
G18 Quest.jpg
G18 LMS General.jpg
G18 item.jpg
G18 item.jpg (27.48KiB)Viewed 15081 times
G18 Deiciter White.jpg
G18 ArcherAce.jpg
G17 Quest.jpg
G17 item.jpg
G17 item.jpg (28.1KiB)Viewed 15081 times
G17 Hercule Trioc.jpg
G17 Farren Sereneti.jpg
G17 Calcid of the Flame.jpg
G16 Thromh the Mighty.jpg
G16 Rend Razorjaw.jpg
G16 Quest.jpg
G16 Poison Tail Occultist.jpg
G16 Item.jpg
G15 Shade Eido.jpg
G15 quest.jpg
G15 item.jpg
G15 item.jpg (27.78KiB)Viewed 15081 times
G15 Dismal Shade.jpg
Elder Archosaur.jpg
Boutique List.jpg