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Guide to low lv,up,farm and more (1000x server)

Posted: 21 May 2014, 05:33
by pedrao
Hy guyz im here to make a guide of farm and up in lms
This guide its updated. 20/05/2014.

Guyz.. to start playing here, you'll have to understand that the path will be long and difficult also to many official servers!

first observations...

vote as much on the server to sell at auction or buy flight, pets and more ...

adc look at an NPC near the Teleporter to get a mission (Return to the heaven tiers) ...
Use of this quest and be teleported to another world ..
In this new world you should look for bright new teleporters that will take you to another world again .. and end it in this world you will level up and farmar ...

always add a lot of money and go up because at lv 109 you probably will need new equipment ..

Getting 109 ... if you do not conciga equipment continue to buy the equipment 109 ... But if you already have them coming from friends or other players you need to go up on 119 fb (Wolf, elf, wild)

See map in game press M (Wolf 29/elf 44/wild 01)

In this fb you will get leveling and even up the 125 and Farm materials falling these mobs
Tip: Join many of them to sell and saving money to go to the next gear!

LV 115:Here you will get new armor known as g16
Can be made with materials from 119 fbs.
115 will not have weapons and the best physical weapon for leveling is the decide and agama tank

At lv 125 you will have many new things like weapons, armor, acesorios ..
These item need materials that drop in fb 129 (teleport stone next to the Teleporter to the west adc) or see in map number 27!

from then you get to know the server .. and very more...

Considerations ...

familiar with the current price of the items not to be left behind ..
keep an eye on the deals and negotiations running in the global ..
farme and very much up.
do not go too low lv pvp.
Join the event on Sunday (if productive for you .. if not for farme in fbs .. preferably only one)
Make missions to the npc merchant west side of the adc